Making Sense of Suffering Part 3

We concluded our mini-series on the subject of Suffering. We used Isaiah 53 as the backdrop to illuminate the sufferings of Jesus Christ the “Suffering Servant.” Isaiah foretold of one who would come and suffer as a servant of God. This coming one is Jesus Christ. Jesus would provide the perfect example of suffering as well as servitude. That being said, Jesus expects His followers to follow His example of serving while suffering. Jesus taught us that we too can serve while we suffer. Just like He did. In a sense, Jesus ‘interrupted’ suffering by serving God, the Father, and others. Even though He was betrayed, wounded, rejected, despised, disregarded, unfairly tried, threatened, beaten, ridiculed, and more, Jesus interrupted suffering and stayed on the path to Jerusalem to die on the cross for our sins. I reminded the few men who attended the worship service that we too can interrupt those moments of pain and hardship by performing duties that comfort or help others in some sort of way. Jesus’ suffering was not meaningless. As a result of His suffering came the fruit of His suffering - the Church, His spiritual offspring. Jesus expects believers to bear fruit as well - that is win souls to Him. The prison life can be challenging and is often characterize by suffering. But praises be to God for equipping these brothers with the capacity to serve others and proclaim the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ - even amid their suffering!


Spiritual Warfare


Making Sense of Suffering Pt.2